Posts From 07/2001
- EZ-Leaker (1st July 2001)
- Goblin Liberation Front invade Belgian city (2nd July 2001)
- The Age: Melbourne man patents the wheel (2nd July 2001)
- Dreamhost (4th July 2001)
- Robocar (4th July 2001)
- Die Korperwelten (5th July 2001)
- Le Soir: Reveiller la princesse de fer (5th July 2001)
- The official rock paper scissors society (6th July 2001)
- The Guardian: Dogged defence is no match for walking missiles (7th July 2001)
- BBC News: Coming soon - Dracula Land (9th July 2001)
- Cosmiverse: UFO Cult May Sue U.S. FDA Over Human Cloning (9th July 2001)
- Salon: Atari lives! (9th July 2001)
- Ananova: Dubai police arrest Briton dressed as Arab woman (10th July 2001)
- Invent Your Own Language In Minutes, With LangMaker/Win 1.10 (10th July 2001)
- Japan Today: Mass hysteria grips schoolgirls (10th July 2001)
- Microsoft's desktop `concession' taken from same old bag of tricks (12th July 2001)
- The Guardian: Online junk mail wins EU backing (12th July 2001)
- The Times: Red Bull under investigation after deaths (12th July 2001)
- The Official Fuckparade/Hateparade homepage (16th July 2001)
- The Tour de France German porn site (16th July 2001)
- CBC News: Hey! (Quack) Over here! (Quack) (17th July 2001)
- Fuck Parade photos (17th July 2001)
- Boycott Adobe (19th July 2001)
- Japan Today: Missing man's dad defrosts after 13 years (19th July 2001)
- Spider Man trailer (quicktime) (19th July 2001)
- 5 Voor 12 - 10 Days Off (21st July 2001)
- BBC News: Coke sued over death squad claims (21st July 2001)
- Daily Yomiuri: Little guy pulls off frankly amazing feat (21st July 2001)
- The Times: Sanyo aims to clean up with soapless washing machine (21st July 2001)
- Koan Design - Stop the violence! (22nd July 2001)
- BBC News: The clickable guide to climate change (23rd July 2001)
- BBC News: Life for gay bar killer (24th July 2001)
- The Register: Can you hack while getting a blow job? (24th July 2001)
- Internet News: Registrars Refute 'Domain Slamming' Charges (25th July 2001)
- Flash Stick Game (26th July 2001)
- XSLT reference (26th July 2001)
- ABC News: Researcher Infected With Bio-Warfare Agent (27th July 2001)
- The Economist: The case for legalisation (27th July 2001)
- And wheeeeee (Flash) (28th July 2001)
- Death to the Pixels (flash) (29th July 2001)
- The Observer: Locusts swarm for road safety (29th July 2001)
- Femail: How much water do you really need? (30th July 2001)
- VNUnet: Hacking tool comes back for the Mac (31st July 2001)