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A call for contributions
I’m busy preparing a video installation that will be shown in the catacombs below the central station in Brussels. The installation is based around the movement of people in Station buffets, restaurants and bars. The people who just stop for a quick bite on their travels.
Anyway, I was expecting contributions from many people off several mailing lists I posted about this to, but am not seeing much coming my way. So I’d like to ask people who read this weblog for some help. If you can spread the word to your own weblogs, contacts, etc, it would be even better.
What I need is a few photographs (5 or 6) taken in your local station’s eating spot. I need pictures from as many different locations as possible. All contributors will be listed on a sign next to the installation along with their location and website if they have one. I’ll also publish this list on a special page I will shortly add to this site.
If you’re more adventurous, a small audio recording of the ambient noise in these places would be even better!
I can’t offer more than credit for your participation as that’s about all I’ll be getting too, but I’d definitely appreciate the help. Especially as the deadline is getting extremely close.
Yes, I need these pics by the middle of next week at the latest :(
So let me know if you can help. I’d really be grateful.