Posts From 02/2003
- Nasa: Instructions for Uploading Images and Video Related to the Columbia Accident (2nd February 2003)
- Salon: Interview - Hunter S. Thompson (Salon Premium - requires subscription or day pass) (3rd February 2003)
- Guardian: $1m bail for Phil Spector after killing at his house (5th February 2003)
- Guardian: Not so wacko Jacko (5th February 2003)
- IHT: EU seeking a divine definition (5th February 2003)
- Oil and Gas International: France and Russia warned support US war on Iraq or no Iraqi oil (5th February 2003)
- Wired: To the Moon in a Space Elevator? (5th February 2003)
- Ananova: Japanese scientist invents 'invisibility cloak (6th February 2003)
- Antwerp Port Protest Photos (6th February 2003)
- Google mirror (6th February 2003)
- Scotsman: Rogue drivers vow to wreck more cameras (6th February 2003)
- The Animatrix (6th February 2003)
- ABC News: Men Who Don't Shave Have Less Sex, More Strokes (7th February 2003)
- Channel 4: Downing St dossier plagiarised (7th February 2003)
- Guardian: Students cash in on 'human billboards' plan (7th February 2003)
- Guardian: PowerPoint of view (8th February 2003)
- Where is Raed ? (9th February 2003)
- Light Reading: VOIP Gets New Numbers (11th February 2003)
- Masturbate for peace: Using Masturbation to End War (12th February 2003)
- ABC News: 'Nasal Cripple' (13th February 2003)
- Opera releases "Bork" edition (14th February 2003)
- OWi Products: L.A. Rocker (14th February 2003)
- Dan Gillmor: Google Buys Pyra: Blogging Goes Big-Time (16th February 2003)
- Ananova: 'Bond girl' formula revealed (17th February 2003)
- Business 2.0: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Pander to 'Em (17th February 2003)
- Bush and Blair Love Song (Quicktime Video) (19th February 2003)
- Fortune: Rising Anti-American Sentiment Could Slam the Tech Sector (19th February 2003)
- Reuters: Americans Snub French Cheese Exporter via E-mail (19th February 2003)
- The Telegraph: Lesbian Japanese monkeys challenge Darwin's assumptions (19th February 2003)
- IHT: In Iran, runaway girls survive dressed as boys (20th February 2003)
- Reuters: (21st February 2003)
- These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed (21st February 2003)
- Times: Government urges under-16s to experiment with oral sex (24th February 2003)
- Coin operated electric chair (25th February 2003)
- ABC News: Snowball Fight, Then Philadelphia Girl Shot (26th February 2003)
- ADS-L Archives: Google trademark concerns (26th February 2003)
- Apple: Ghosts of the Abyss trailer (quicktime) (26th February 2003)
- Heslingin Sanomat: We squabble, Osama bin Laden rubs his hands (26th February 2003)
- PR Watch: Weapons of Mass Amnesia (26th February 2003)
- USB-powered toothbrush (jpg image) (26th February 2003)