Posts From 09/2003
- Black music from Scotland? It could be the gospel truth (2nd September 2003)
- Globe and Mail: Did you hear the one about the frontal lobe? (2nd September 2003)
- Reporters Without Borders (2nd September 2003)
- Ford Sportka - The Evil Twin (3rd September 2003)
- Wired: Turn Back the Spam of Time (3rd September 2003)
- BBC News: Amphibious car drives over water (4th September 2003)
- photos (8th September 2003)
- CNN: Feel a ghost? Perhaps it is infrasound (9th September 2003)
- Wired: Ecstasy Study Botched, Retracted (9th September 2003)
- Stealth Disco (11th September 2003)
- BBC News: Church sullied by secret porn film (12th September 2003)
- Salon: Forbidden thoughts about 9/11 (12th September 2003)
- Cartographie du bruit (16th September 2003)
- UrineControl (16th September 2003)
- Talk like a pirate day - September 19 (17th September 2003)
- WiFi Speed Spray (22nd September 2003)
- Ananova: Ban on Russian ads depicting euro having sex with dollar (25th September 2003)
- CNN: McDonalds to launch healthy adult Happy Meals (25th September 2003)
- currybetdotnet: MSN will protect your children (25th September 2003)
- Philips Demonstrates Video-Speed Electronic-Paper Technology Based on Electrowetting (25th September 2003)
- NY Times: For the Worlds A B Cs, He Makes 1s and 0s (28th September 2003)
- USA Today: Dell to dive into consumer electronics market (28th September 2003)
- Classified ad (rec.humor.funny) (29th September 2003)
- The sculptured house (29th September 2003)
- Alien Invasion (30th September 2003)
- Building a Balancing Scooter (30th September 2003)