Looking for a web designer in Belgium
Hey look it’s a job offer!
I’m looking for someone to come and join the online team at my place of work, namely Scarlet, the 3rd biggest telecom operator/ISP in Belgium. The site doesn’t look like much right now but there’s a lot more than meets the eye there, including some very exciting changes in the near future.
I won’t get into every single detail here, but basically he or she should know (X)HTML like the back of his/her hand, should really understand CSS, especially the “C” in CSS, know what web standards are about and, obviously, have a good sense of design with some type of portfolio to back it up. Knowledge of Flash, scripting and anything else that could come in useful are a big plus. You must also be extremely customer-focused.
Work location is Vilvoorde, just outside Brussels. There are various advantages included in the package, one of them being a Powerbook so you can remain a slave to work even outside office hours.
So contact me if you feel you fit the bill or if you need more info. Also feel free to point potential candidates this way. I’m also open to people with potential for learning. Thanks!