Posts From 09/2004
- bike ride video (50 MB mpeg) (2nd September 2004)
- SPAMSHIRT - We love you! (2nd September 2004)
- Robert Cote Job Application Video (Quicktime) (4th September 2004)
- Cellular News: Using phones to monitor road traffic (6th September 2004)
- Password generator bookmarklet (6th September 2004)
- Global participatory Fool's World Map project (8th September 2004)
- BBC News: Noah's Ark plan from top Moon man (9th September 2004)
- Dr. Martens: veer (9th September 2004)
- The Dukes of Gilze (9th September 2004)
- We don't know why but it obviously happened (9th September 2004)
- BBC News: Intel sees big changes to the net (11th September 2004)
- MTV News: Court Rules That All Musical Samples Must Be Paid For (12th September 2004)
- Paris, Les arenes de Picasso (12th September 2004)
- The Independent: Russians admit airliner bombing blunder (17th September 2004)
- gomi no sensei: i need a cigarette (18th September 2004)
- ongoing - Brussels x 5 (18th September 2004)
- Space Invaders Hunters (18th September 2004)
- Home Computer (direct link to jpg file) (19th September 2004)
- BadJianZhu (20th September 2004)
- EU Referendum: A crazy merry-go-round (20th September 2004)
- *** PONGMECHANIK ** (21st September 2004)
- Free phone booth at Burning Man (23rd September 2004)
- The Tao of Mac: I Hope Kelkoo Gets Sued (23rd September 2004)
- DSO zet archief open voor bloggers (26th September 2004)
- LVBlog: Bloggers in Brussels (26th September 2004)
- Strandbeest (26th September 2004)
- Daring Fireball: For Whatever Reasons (28th September 2004)
- The University of the Bleeding Obvious: Belgianautics (28th September 2004)