Human Lives Are Not More Important Than Animal Lives
Excellent piece by Captain Paul Watson of Sea Sheperd on the pretentious view we humans have of our place in the world.
Humans have created a fantasy world called anthropocentrism, the idea that all of reality, all of nature exists only for humanity, that we are the only species that matters and human rights take priority over the rights of all other species.
This anthropocentric view of the world has made us selfish, self-centred and extremely destructive to all other forms of life on the planet including our own. Our fantasies have allowed us to destroy the very life support systems that sustain us, to poison the waters we drink and the food we eat, to amuse ourselves with blood sports and to eradicate anything and everything we do not like, be it animal, plant or other human beings. We demonize each other and we demonize the entire living world.
If humans disappeared tomorrow, the planet would be better off. If, to take a single example, bees went extinct, the whole system would collapse. We would do well to step off this self-created podium and re-evalute our position.
Read the full article at The Outdoor Journal