Posts From 08/2001
- Wau Holland (1st August 2001)
- New Scientist: Storm experts make cloud vanish (2nd August 2001)
- Philip Morris's Ad on Macaroni and Peace (2nd August 2001)
- The Operating System Sucks-Rules-O-Meter (5th August 2001)
- product placement (7th August 2001)
- BBC News: Gadget with more byte than bark (8th August 2001)
- PlanetOut: Forced 'conversion' of gays uncovered (8th August 2001)
- Crop Circles in 2001 (9th August 2001)
- Discovery: Cow Parts (9th August 2001)
- (9th August 2001)
- BBC News: Children asked to jump for science (10th August 2001)
- G4PC: Make A PC Out Of A G4 Case (10th August 2001)
- The Times: Chainsaw gang ruin 66 'killer trees' (10th August 2001)
- Vidocq Trailer (quicktime) (10th August 2001)
- IBM developer works - Working XML: Using XSLT for content management (11th August 2001)
- Premiere: Jean-Claude vs Van Damme (RealVideo/Quicktime) (12th August 2001)
- Security Focus: Code Red II spreading (13th August 2001)
- Washington Post: The Antwerp Aesthetic (13th August 2001)
- IHT - Euro Notes: Bonanza for the Underworld? (14th August 2001)
- The Guardian: Lay off men, Lessing tells feminists (14th August 2001)
- The Word Spy (14th August 2001)
- ABC News: Blinded by Junk Food? (15th August 2001)
- Lego Build - Junkbot (Shockwave) (15th August 2001)
- Einstein's Refrigerator (16th August 2001)
- Helsingin Sanomat: Finnish communist volunteers travel to East Germany 40 years ago to help build Be (16th August 2001)
- The Dub Selector (16th August 2001)
- Waking life trailer (quicktime) (16th August 2001)
- I am the wolf man! (17th August 2001)
- IMDB: Carrement a l'ouest (18th August 2001)
- Remove these gizmos that hijack your websurfing experience (19th August 2001)
- Spider Man E3 special (9mb quicktime movie) (19th August 2001)
- IMDB: Carrement a l'ouest (21st August 2001)
- New Scientist: Mini nuclear reactor could power apartment blocks (22nd August 2001)
- No such thing - official movie site (23rd August 2001)
- CNN: U.S. fines citizens for travel to Cuba (24th August 2001)
- Pravda: American liberty trampled under foot of Frenchman (24th August 2001)
- Columbus Dispatch: Husband's affection shines like a five-story beacon (26th August 2001)
- help me get rid of the last few bugs (26th August 2001)
- LA Times: Windows, Windows Everywhere (26th August 2001)
- Electric new paper: He drops dead after playing computer game for almost a day (27th August 2001)
- Telegraph: founders set for Hollywood (28th August 2001)
- The Guardian: From Boo to bust and back again (28th August 2001)
- City Breaks 2 - now available in the music department! (29th August 2001)
- New Scientist: Intercepted missiles could fall on Europe (29th August 2001)
- The face of Aphex (29th August 2001)
- MSNBC: Breaking down a male myth (30th August 2001)
- Telegraph: Graveyard terror as shot man rises from tomb (30th August 2001)
- The 'Am I gay' quiz (30th August 2001)
- Les catacombes de Paris (31st August 2001)
- SecureMac (31st August 2001)