Posts From 04/2002
- High-profile anti-Unix site runs Unix (1st April 2002)
- ABC News: Woman charged over use of iguana in pub fight (3rd April 2002)
- BBC News: Jet violates White House airspace (3rd April 2002)
- Reuters: Japan Firm Unveils Tech for Perfect-Pitch Karaoke (3rd April 2002)
- Washington Post: Israel Warns Journalists of Action (3rd April 2002)
- 2inch - home of BNP [Bruut Nationaal Product] (4th April 2002)
- Formatting Objects Processor (4th April 2002)
- Google Technology (4th April 2002)
- Mutafukaz (4th April 2002)
- The poppin panther (4th April 2002)
- hokey spokes (5th April 2002)
- This is London: Bomb victim's kidney saves Arab (5th April 2002)
- Tourist Information (5th April 2002)
- Are You A Hit-Obsessed Weblogger? (6th April 2002)
- Georgia & Verdana - typefaces for the screen (6th April 2002)
- Goliath Photos (6th April 2002)
- Lancelot Belgium (7th April 2002)
- Boston Globe: Professor's time travel idea fires up the imagination (8th April 2002)
- Niles Monorail (8th April 2002)
- This is London - Lesbians: We made our baby deaf on purpose (8th April 2002)
- Yahoo: Light show baffles Bavarians (8th April 2002)
- BBC News: Princes remember their inspiration (9th April 2002)
- GNN: S-11 Redux (9th April 2002)
- Live from Palestine (9th April 2002)
- Nikefootball commercial - Terry Gilliam (9th April 2002)
- pacman (9th April 2002)
- The Midnight Society (9th April 2002)
- BBC News: US looks to create robo-soldier (10th April 2002)
- Telegraph: 'Now I know all about ghosts' (registration required) (10th April 2002)
- The Official People Trading Card (10th April 2002)
- Gene Simmons Tongue Magazine (11th April 2002)
- Jam!: Celine Dion to move to Belgium (11th April 2002)
- LG Internet Family (11th April 2002)
- Distinct Electronics: the Foton Factory @ Recyclart (12th April 2002)
- Ananova: Virtual keyboard unveiled at world computer show (13th April 2002)
- Washington Post: Nuclear-Tipped Interceptors Studied (13th April 2002)
- Yahoo: Saudi ambassador to Britain glorifies suicide bombers in poem published in Arabic daily (13th April 2002)
- Expatica: Belgium in bungee jumping crackdown (15th April 2002)
- Jason Mecier (15th April 2002)
- Scott 'Official Eddie Builder' McGuire (15th April 2002)
- Ananova: Council bans 'sexist' chocolate bar campaign (16th April 2002)
- Yahoo: Super Ant Colony Found in Europe (16th April 2002)
- CQ trailer (quicktime) (17th April 2002)
- Is this you? (17th April 2002)
- Property details (17th April 2002)
- BBC News: Backpackers baffled by Bethlehem siege (18th April 2002)
- BBC News: Reawakening the creative mind (18th April 2002)
- Google Answers (18th April 2002)
- Google: moscow's blowing up the moon! (18th April 2002)
- Lilo and Stitch trailer (quicktime) (18th April 2002)
- The Onion: U.S. Children Getting Majority Of Antibiotics From McDonald's Meat (18th April 2002)
- Kazaa Lite - Spyware free filesharing (19th April 2002)
- Kaliber 10000 {The Good Vibe Provider} (21st April 2002)
- Contact me! (23rd April 2002)
- BBC News: Bread and crisps in cancer risk scare (26th April 2002)
- Dion to sing for U.S. sailors (26th April 2002)
- SF Examiner: Are we on the road to war? (26th April 2002)
- Sydney Morning Herald: Egypt ready to wage war on Israel ... for $US100 billion (26th April 2002)
- U Seek Yoda (26th April 2002)
- Weekly World News: bin Laden's wild nights with a goat (26th April 2002)