Posts From 2003
Fairvue Central: Features - Third Annual Weblog Awards
(2nd January 2003)
SMH: Internet marks 20th birthday
(2nd January 2003)
Adult Panties, with a Christian message.
(3rd January 2003)
IHT: Are apes climbing up the family tree?
(3rd January 2003)
The Mac DVD Resource
(3rd January 2003)
Union Leader: Pillow fight' assault
(3rd January 2003)
Silicon Valley: Violence Breaks out in Los Angeles Cyber Cafes
(6th January 2003)
Straits Times: Want a child? Taiwanese see hope in mouse testicles
(6th January 2003)
Teleferique: Hidden Camera
(6th January 2003)
Yahoo: World Photos - A Philippine police mascot
(7th January 2003)
Apple: Safari
(8th January 2003)
Democrat and Chronicle: Gay porn program pops up in Army show on Webster cable
(8th January 2003)
LiveJournal: Jamie Zawinski - Apple says 'fuck you' to Mozilla
(9th January 2003)
Time Europe: The Biggest Threat To Peace
(9th January 2003)
BBC News: Woman 'pulled own teeth' out
(10th January 2003)
Internal Memos
(10th January 2003)
iDetect Technology
(13th January 2003)
- Dog stoned in the name of love
(13th January 2003)
Reaction to the DEC Spam of 1978
(13th January 2003)
Salina Journal: U.S. operatives said active in Iraq
(13th January 2003)
- End of World Has Already Begun, University of Washington Scientists Say in Book 'The Lif
(14th January 2003)
Daily Camera: Fight with computer brings SWAT team
(14th January 2003)
Expatica: Belgian police shoot cameraman
(14th January 2003)
The Times: The United States of America has gone mad
(15th January 2003)
Wired: Stealth Antennas Try to Blend In
(15th January 2003)
WorldNetDaily: Mel Gibson under attack
(15th January 2003)
Yahoo: Supreme Court Keeps Copyright Protections
(15th January 2003)
The Onion: Bush On North Korea: 'We Must Invade Iraq'
(21st January 2003)
NY Times: Master Key Copying Revealed
(23rd January 2003)
The West Australian: X marks the spot for intersex Alex
(23rd January 2003)
ABC News: Medical Miracle; Head Reattached
(24th January 2003)
cnet: Hacker Mitnick's Internet homecoming
(24th January 2003)
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report
(24th January 2003)
BBC News: Safety fears after Tube crash
(26th January 2003)
SunSpot: 12 UM students accused of high-tech cheating
(26th January 2003)
IHT: Some know more about war
(27th January 2003)
Seattle Post Intelligencer: Bombarding the brain with magnetic energy
(27th January 2003)
Sydney Morning Herald: 800 missiles to hit Iraq in first 48 hours
(27th January 2003)
Universal Pictures: Hulk teaser trailer
(27th January 2003)
Carlee Fernandez
(28th January 2003)
LabMistress' Blog
(28th January 2003)
Deady Bears
(29th January 2003)
Engrish TTT Captions
(30th January 2003)
- PC users face deadly DVT threat
(31st January 2003)
The Observer: I'm losing patience with my neighbours, Mr Bush
(31st January 2003)
Nasa: Instructions for Uploading Images and Video Related to the Columbia Accident
(2nd February 2003)
Salon: Interview - Hunter S. Thompson (Salon Premium - requires subscription or day pass)
(3rd February 2003)
Guardian: $1m bail for Phil Spector after killing at his house
(5th February 2003)
Guardian: Not so wacko Jacko
(5th February 2003)
IHT: EU seeking a divine definition
(5th February 2003)
Oil and Gas International: France and Russia warned support US war on Iraq or no Iraqi oil
(5th February 2003)
Wired: To the Moon in a Space Elevator?
(5th February 2003)
Ananova: Japanese scientist invents 'invisibility cloak
(6th February 2003)
Antwerp Port Protest Photos
(6th February 2003)
Google mirror
(6th February 2003)
Scotsman: Rogue drivers vow to wreck more cameras
(6th February 2003)
The Animatrix
(6th February 2003)
ABC News: Men Who Don't Shave Have Less Sex, More Strokes
(7th February 2003)
Channel 4: Downing St dossier plagiarised
(7th February 2003)
Guardian: Students cash in on 'human billboards' plan
(7th February 2003)
Guardian: PowerPoint of view
(8th February 2003)
Where is Raed ?
(9th February 2003)
Light Reading: VOIP Gets New Numbers
(11th February 2003)
Masturbate for peace: Using Masturbation to End War
(12th February 2003)
ABC News: 'Nasal Cripple'
(13th February 2003)
Opera releases "Bork" edition
(14th February 2003)
OWi Products: L.A. Rocker
(14th February 2003)
Dan Gillmor: Google Buys Pyra: Blogging Goes Big-Time
(16th February 2003)
Ananova: 'Bond girl' formula revealed
(17th February 2003)
Business 2.0: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Pander to 'Em
(17th February 2003)
Bush and Blair Love Song (Quicktime Video)
(19th February 2003)
Fortune: Rising Anti-American Sentiment Could Slam the Tech Sector
(19th February 2003)
Reuters: Americans Snub French Cheese Exporter via E-mail
(19th February 2003)
The Telegraph: Lesbian Japanese monkeys challenge Darwin's assumptions
(19th February 2003)
IHT: In Iran, runaway girls survive dressed as boys
(20th February 2003)
(21st February 2003)
These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed
(21st February 2003)
Times: Government urges under-16s to experiment with oral sex
(24th February 2003)
Coin operated electric chair
(25th February 2003)
ABC News: Snowball Fight, Then Philadelphia Girl Shot
(26th February 2003)
ADS-L Archives: Google trademark concerns
(26th February 2003)
Apple: Ghosts of the Abyss trailer (quicktime)
(26th February 2003)
Heslingin Sanomat: We squabble, Osama bin Laden rubs his hands
(26th February 2003)
PR Watch: Weapons of Mass Amnesia
(26th February 2003)
USB-powered toothbrush (jpg image)
(26th February 2003)
SF Gate: Bureaucrats get EBay fever
(1st March 2003)
Songs Stick in Everyone's Head
(1st March 2003)
Planet Ark: Grisly Mexico factory breeds man-eating flies
(2nd March 2003)
TWA Terminal, JFK Airport, Eero Saarinen
(2nd March 2003)
Expatica: Why Belgium is world's healthiest nation
(3rd March 2003)
Observer: Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war
(3rd March 2003)
Sunday Herald: Teachers call for urgent action as pupils write essays in text-speak
(3rd March 2003)
Always On: Sony's CEO Unplugged
(4th March 2003)
CBS News: Jacko's World: Voodoo, Blood Baths?
(5th March 2003)
Fly Guy
(5th March 2003)
Special Defects: beating heart
(5th March 2003)
Yahoo News: Crucifixion offered in peace plea
(5th March 2003)
Sky News: Face Transplant Planned
(6th March 2003)
NY Times: Just War - or a Just War?
(9th March 2003)
Times: Suicide bombers are mentally fit
(10th March 2003)
freedom toast
(12th March 2003)
Yahho News: French Fries Get New Name in Congress
(12th March 2003)
Guardian: India v New Zealand: the NZ innings
(14th March 2003)
BBC News: 'Talking fish' stuns New York
(16th March 2003)
Independent: The war of misinformation has begun
(16th March 2003)
Mystery Park
(16th March 2003)
Google hack or Googlewhack?
(17th March 2003)
- St Patrick's Day
(17th March 2003)
Seattle Times: Suitcase surprise: Rebuke written on inspection notice
(17th March 2003)
CNN QuickCast: Iraq Tracker
(18th March 2003)
Asia Times: This war is brought to you by...
(19th March 2003)
DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism Security
(19th March 2003)
DJ Madass (JPG image)
(19th March 2003)
MSNBC: Live camera of downtown Baghdad (Windows Media)
(21st March 2003)
Adbusters: Boycott America
(22nd March 2003)
Arms and the man
(22nd March 2003)
The Onion: Military Promises 'Huge Numbers' For Gulf War II: The Vengeance
(22nd March 2003)
BBC News: Caffeine level matched '700 coffees'
(24th March 2003)
Graffiti App
(26th March 2003)
(26th March 2003)
Alternet: A Safe Haven Turns Hostile
(27th March 2003)
CBS News: got a key to the city of Detroit
(27th March 2003)
Independent: Robert Fisk: 'It was an outrage, an obscenity'
(27th March 2003)
Wired News: U.S. EBay Seller Refuses Canucks
(27th March 2003)
Wireless Week: Lawmaker Wants Qualcomm Technology In Iraq
(27th March 2003)
Salon: House approves national day of prayer and fasting
(28th March 2003)
The Scotsman: Anger over US plans for port
(28th March 2003)
CTV: Taliban's Mullah Omar calls for a new holy war
(31st March 2003)
(31st March 2003)
Republicons: Belgian Prime Minister: US 'Very Dangerous'
(31st March 2003)
Presidential prayer kids
(3rd April 2003)
Reuters: Fake 'war correspondent' has cover blown
(3rd April 2003)
Wixos - Paris Wi-Fi project
(3rd April 2003)
BBC News: Bush puts God on his side
(6th April 2003)
The Register: Google News: press releases are OK - Official
(7th April 2003)
BBC News: This is just a scene from hell'
(8th April 2003)
(10th April 2003)
Tom the Cat
(11th April 2003)
War - Iraq poster exhibition
(11th April 2003)
Washington Times: Arab world reels as TV reveals 'lies'
(11th April 2003)
ABC News: Bush accuses Syria of having chemical weapons
(13th April 2003)
AP: Troops Discover Lush Saddam Hideaway
(13th April 2003)
Discover: Reality Bytes - Imagine if SimCity wasn't just a game
(13th April 2003)
Scientific American: Parallel universes
(15th April 2003)
TBRNews: In-House Memos on Television News Presentations
(16th April 2003)
Products of the apocalypse: plaguedomes
(17th April 2003)
Swissinfo: LSD turns 60
(17th April 2003)
Boston Globe: No pain, no gain has new meaning at NY exercise class
(18th April 2003)
Japan Today: losing global respect
(18th April 2003)
Kiss Trek
(18th April 2003)
Mainichi Daily News: Masked marvel has politicians wrestling over identity issues
(18th April 2003)
Truthout: US Troops Encouraged Ransacking
(18th April 2003)
Command Post: Your Attention Please
(19th April 2003)
Entertainment Zone: Underworld Trailer
(19th April 2003)
Wired: Inside the Soul of the Web
(22nd April 2003)
BBC News: Iceland's landmark gas station
(25th April 2003)
BW's Sim Orgies
(25th April 2003)
Dogville trailer (quicktime)
(25th April 2003)
Ebay: haunted doll auction
(25th April 2003)
Dallas Observer: 1-Hour Arrest
(28th April 2003)
A DIY Cruise Missile
(8th May 2003)
Daily Californian: Robotic Houseflies to Take Flight Within Five Years
(8th May 2003)
Growl karaoke
(8th May 2003)
SF Gate: Infogrames changes its name to Atari
(8th May 2003)
OReilly Hacks: The NoCat Night Light
(13th May 2003)
CSS Zen Garden: the beauty of css design
(14th May 2003)
Newsfox: Personality still develops after 30
(14th May 2003)
Yahoo News: Microsoft: ILoo No Hoax After All
(14th May 2003)
CNN: Police: Fugitive lived in attic crawl space for 6 weeks
(15th May 2003)
Oregon Live: David Nelson, could you step aside for a few moments?
(16th May 2003)
The Lemon: History of the Internet
(16th May 2003)
Washington Post: The Writing on the Wall
(16th May 2003)
Red Pill - Join the resistance.
(21st May 2003)
Safety Sign Builder
(21st May 2003)
Stuff: Pipe body unsavoury addition to water
(21st May 2003)
The Marprelate Tracts; The Matrix Reloaded
(21st May 2003)
The Matrix XP
(22nd May 2003)
David Hasselhoff
(23rd May 2003)
- MIT, Army open nanotech center
(26th May 2003)
WorldNetDaily: Bush equated with Hitler in Matrix sequel?
(26th May 2003)
Sun Times: Europeans unhappy in general
(28th May 2003)
Art on Cows - Brussels 2003
(30th May 2003)
New Scientist: Video games boost visual skills
(30th May 2003)
San Jose Mercury: Air France makes penultimate Concorde flight
(30th May 2003)
BBC News: Night goggles to beat film piracy
(1st June 2003)
Guardian: Firm adds insult to personal injury as it sacks workers by text message
(2nd June 2003)
Good Housekeeping: People Underrate Their Attractiveness, Study Finds
(3rd June 2003)
New Straits Times: Way to bring down CD, VCD prices
(3rd June 2003)
The Courier Mail: Australia faces bill for US bombs
(3rd June 2003)
The Courier Mail: US plans death camp
(3rd June 2003)
BBC News: Sampling the Kalahari cactus diet
(5th June 2003)
La Times: altered front page photo
(5th June 2003)
Zombie Alert - Home Protection for Sophisticated Families
(5th June 2003)
MTV News: Dashboard, Interpol May Be Headed For iTunes As Apple Woos Indies
(6th June 2003)
NY Times: Justice Dept. Bans Event by Gay Staff
(6th June 2003)
Mercury News: Hey Tony, outta the way, mob moves on Sims Online
(7th June 2003)
Wired: Slammed!
(7th June 2003)
Ananova: Cheese can be as addictive as morphine
(10th June 2003)
Code-Matrix: Reloaded parody (Windows Media)
(11th June 2003)
Worth 1000: Marthas New Digs
(12th June 2003)
Zeldman: R.I.P.
(15th June 2003)
Pavement Terror - Backfire
(17th June 2003)
Fair: Media Silent on Clark 9/11 Comments
(24th June 2003)
Yahoo News: President tumble off a Segway seems a tiny bit suspicious
(24th June 2003)
NY Times: The Road to Oceania
(25th June 2003)
The Economist: In defence of elderly hippies
(25th June 2003)
Technology Review: Master of Design
(26th June 2003)
Wired: Design According to Ive
(26th June 2003)
Zero Un Trailer (Quicktime and Windows Media)
(26th June 2003)
Local 6: Rescue Workers Remove 600-Pound Man From Trailer
(27th June 2003)
Wired: Science and Religion Cease Fire
(27th June 2003)
Mezzoblue: MOSe
(28th June 2003)
(28th June 2003)
SMH: Crazy remixed-up kids!
(29th June 2003)
house gymnastics
(1st July 2003)
Daily Yomiuri: Phone cameras hurt bookstores
(2nd July 2003)
Die Gestalten Verlag: Writing - Urban Calligraphy And Beyond
(2nd July 2003)
Embassy Visual Effects - quicktime movie (heavy!)
(2nd July 2003)
Google: weapons of mass destruction
(2nd July 2003)
Antti Lovag
(3rd July 2003)
CNN: Man gets life in prison for spitting
(3rd July 2003)
The Observer: The last resort
(3rd July 2003)
BBC News: Walkway propels Paris metro into future
(4th July 2003)
Weebl and Bob: Cheese
(7th July 2003)
Cyberangels: the history of a spammer exposed
(9th July 2003)
Ping Pong Effects (direct link to Windows Media file)
(9th July 2003)
Charlotte Observer: Rumsfeld - Iraq call based on old facts
(10th July 2003)
Napa News: 4-H camp counselors accused of organizing fights between campers
(10th July 2003)
Truthout: How to Rig an Election in the United States
(10th July 2003)
Fellowship Baptist Creation Science Fair 2001:
(14th July 2003)
Traktor is a group of filmmakers
(14th July 2003)
Mozillazine: AOL Cuts Remaining Mozilla Hackers
(16th July 2003)
very upset with you
(16th July 2003)
New Scientist: British army planned nuclear landmines
(17th July 2003)
News 24: Piracy linked to terrorism
(17th July 2003)
National Trust: 11 Most Endangered Historic Places 2003: TWA Terminal, NY
(20th July 2003)
Coaster Kingdom: Tonnerre de Zeus
(21st July 2003)
BBC News: Eating pizza cuts cancer risk
(22nd July 2003)
Wired: Hackers Lose a Patron Saint
(22nd July 2003)
Batman - Dead End (Quicktime - Heavy!)
(23rd July 2003)
Consumption Junction: Crispin Glover does the Letterman Show (Windows Media File)
(24th July 2003)
Sky News: Mini-Me bags a beauty
(24th July 2003)
Crusha (scroll down to TV ad - Windows Media format)
(25th July 2003)
New Scientist: Virtual reality conquers sense of taste
(31st July 2003)
The Bush Administration Random Allegation Gizmo
(1st August 2003)
Business Week: Where Think Different Is Taking Apple
(5th August 2003)
HEY KidS Are YOU homeless?
(5th August 2003)
Sticker Nation
(5th August 2003)
BBC News: Move over Segway...
(7th August 2003)
(7th August 2003)
NWYH Presents: Operation Slaps
(7th August 2003)
Times of India: Tests reveal pesticides in Coke, Pepsi, Mirinda
(7th August 2003)
Yahoo Finance: VNO Athletic Research Develops Pheromone-based Athletic Performance Enhancer
(7th August 2003)
Boston Globe: Teen arrested at Logan for alleged bomb threat in his bag
(8th August 2003)
CNN: Gary Coleman on California ballot
(8th August 2003)
The FBI guide to concealable weapons (direct link toi PDF file)
(8th August 2003)
Wired: Swollen Orders Show Spam Allure
(8th August 2003)
Washington Post: America s Glossy Envoy
(10th August 2003)
Caption Thing
(11th August 2003)
AgWeb: A Good Laugh
(12th August 2003)
NY Times: Sad Days for Mermaids of the Sequined Sort
(12th August 2003)
Worldnet Daily: U.S. fines human shield
(12th August 2003)
Matrix Revolutions trailer (direct link to high-res quicktime file)
(21st August 2003)
Rocky Mountain News: Drug check on signpost up ahead?
(21st August 2003)
The Monkey Shakespeare Simulator
(22nd August 2003)
The inquirer: New world record set for mobile phone throwing
(26th August 2003)
New Scientist: Fatigued neurons explain waterfall illusion
(28th August 2003)
Making over Mona
(29th August 2003)
Black music from Scotland? It could be the gospel truth
(2nd September 2003)
Globe and Mail: Did you hear the one about the frontal lobe?
(2nd September 2003)
Reporters Without Borders
(2nd September 2003)
Ford Sportka - The Evil Twin
(3rd September 2003)
Wired: Turn Back the Spam of Time
(3rd September 2003)
BBC News: Amphibious car drives over water
(4th September 2003)
- photos
(8th September 2003)
CNN: Feel a ghost? Perhaps it is infrasound
(9th September 2003)
Wired: Ecstasy Study Botched, Retracted
(9th September 2003)
Stealth Disco
(11th September 2003)
BBC News: Church sullied by secret porn film
(12th September 2003)
Salon: Forbidden thoughts about 9/11
(12th September 2003)
Cartographie du bruit
(16th September 2003)
(16th September 2003)
Talk like a pirate day - September 19
(17th September 2003)
WiFi Speed Spray
(22nd September 2003)
Ananova: Ban on Russian ads depicting euro having sex with dollar
(25th September 2003)
CNN: McDonalds to launch healthy adult Happy Meals
(25th September 2003)
currybetdotnet: MSN will protect your children
(25th September 2003)
Philips Demonstrates Video-Speed Electronic-Paper Technology Based on Electrowetting
(25th September 2003)
NY Times: For the Worlds A B Cs, He Makes 1s and 0s
(28th September 2003)
USA Today: Dell to dive into consumer electronics market
(28th September 2003)
Classified ad (rec.humor.funny)
(29th September 2003)
The sculptured house
(29th September 2003)
Alien Invasion
(30th September 2003)
Building a Balancing Scooter
(30th September 2003)
Reuters: 3G mobile signals can cause nausea,headache-survey
(1st October 2003)
The New Yorker: The End Matter
(1st October 2003)
Global Rich List
(2nd October 2003)
Nokia Medallion 1
(2nd October 2003)
Newseum: front pages
(3rd October 2003)
WiFi-SM: feel the global pain
(3rd October 2003)
CNN: President Bush pens a poem
(6th October 2003)
Famous Fonts
(6th October 2003)
Time: Meet the Pasta Police
(6th October 2003)
Arnold is coming (Direct link to quicktime movie)
(8th October 2003)
Canal Plus: Les guignols.
(8th October 2003)
Guardian: Notes and queries
(8th October 2003)
The memory hole: eBay Repeatedly Cancels Auctions for Schwarzenegger Issue of Oui
(8th October 2003)
Asia Times: We report, you get it wrong.
(9th October 2003)
London and Blaine
(15th October 2003)
La bulle six coques de Jean Maneval (1968)
(16th October 2003)
BBC News: Graffiti star sneaks work into Tate
(18th October 2003)
TV ads from the Soviet era
(18th October 2003)
The Mirror Project: Mirror Ball
(19th October 2003)
BBC News: Water sparks new power source
(21st October 2003)
BBC Three blobs (RealVideo)
(22nd October 2003)
SunSpot: Internet research snags boy in FBI web
(22nd October 2003)
E Online: Jim Carrey Goes Bionic
(23rd October 2003)
Free Space Comix: The Blog: Hotel Gaudi on WTC site
(23rd October 2003)
Survey: Spam Is Starting to Hurt E-Mail
(23rd October 2003)
The ballad of Bilbo Baggins (quicktime)
(23rd October 2003)
The Scotsman: Ses Astra and Euro1080 to Pioneer Hdtv in Europe
(23rd October 2003)
Apple: Panther
(24th October 2003)
Welcome to NaDa
(26th October 2003)
ZDnet: X10 files for Chapter 11
(27th October 2003)
Ananova: Dolphin massacre turns sea blood red
(29th October 2003)
Extreme Pumkins: photo gallery
(31st October 2003)
DVD Talk: Hell House
(2nd November 2003)
Mediagab: RIAA Starts Home Invasions Commercial
(2nd November 2003)
ReUSEIT! Contest Entries
(5th November 2003)
Inversions by Scott Kim
(12th November 2003)
PC World: Hackers Crack Nokia N-Gage
(13th November 2003)
Detroit Free Press: Sentencing to cap twisted murder case
(14th November 2003)
Fanta Shokata
(21st November 2003)
Herald Tribune: Stroke leaves Sarasota woman with British accent
(21st November 2003)
Polar Alert: top 100
(21st November 2003)
Through the eye of a Mac browser
(22nd November 2003)
The iPod dirty secret
(24th November 2003)
(2nd December 2003)
F-Zero GX
(2nd December 2003)
Telco powered products
(2nd December 2003)
What is bluejacking?
(2nd December 2003)
(2nd December 2003)
National Post: DJs mummified body found behind wall in club
(7th December 2003)
(7th December 2003)
Lego Mosaic
(8th December 2003)
Newsday: Miserable Failure?
(9th December 2003)
The Telegraph: Milkman killed by teenage ninja
(10th December 2003)
invisiblog - anonymous weblog publishing
(12th December 2003)
The Arcade Ambience Project Page
(13th December 2003)
Apple Store Japan opening (quicktime movie)
(15th December 2003)
OJR: Microsoft Move Likely to Be Death Knell to Pop-Up Advertising Format
(15th December 2003)
Science Daily: Changing One Gene Launches New Fly Species
(15th December 2003)
CNN: Dead body ignored by Osaka crowds
(18th December 2003)
Guardian: Goodbye sunshine
(19th December 2003)
SpaceShipOne Breaks the Sound Barrier
(19th December 2003)
Correspondences: Who captured Saddam Hussein?
(21st December 2003)
The Mirror: intexticated
(23rd December 2003)
Graffiti Archaeology
(27th December 2003)
Discovery Channel: 1,000 Times Too Many Humans?
(29th December 2003)
Post Gazette: The fish that threatened national security
(29th December 2003)
Brotron Labs
(30th December 2003)
(30th December 2003)
CNN: Does PowerPoint make us stupid?
(31st December 2003)
(31st December 2003)
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