Diegem, start your photocopiers!

I thought it was about time I posted something about this as I receive emails every day on the subject, including strange offers of revenge. Yes, I am aware one of my designs has been ripped off. For those who haven’t seen it yet, take a look at the previous version of this site, then take a look at this site for a Microsoft event featuring his royal Gatesness himself. (hat tip to Eric for spotting it first)

When I saw this, I emailed someone at Microsoft Belgium who forwarded my mail down the line until it reached the agency that did the work for them. Someone from the agency called me up, obviously feeling quite uncomfortable with the situation. The story goes that they were part of a pitch for this job and made several propositions including one rough featuring my illustration. When that one was chosen, they didn’t get permission for it (or most probably redraw it), they just went ahead and used it (badly traced at that).

Was it really an oversight or was it deliberate? I don’t know and I don’t really care to be honest. I got compensation for its use, probably less than I could have gotten if I really wanted to be nasty, but that’s not my style. The deal’s done and, hopefully, they’ll think twice next time about using something without permission.

Remember kids: you always get found out on the internet.