Posts From 2008
Berlin, Cologne and Hannover have banned heavily polluting cars.
(2nd January 2008)
Good move: Berlin, Cologne and Hannover have banne...
(2nd January 2008)
Low-cost film solar panels are now a reality, brin...
(3rd January 2008)
After self-service bikes, self-service electric ca...
(9th January 2008)
Office building heated by commuters.
(9th January 2008)
The body heat from commuters passing through Stock...
(9th January 2008)
Opt out of receiving the Belgian paper phone books at home.
(13th January 2008)
A ship partly powered by a giant kite.
(20th January 2008)
The shipping industry is looking for new ways to r...
(20th January 2008)
“Driving is the cultural anomaly of our moment.”...
(22nd January 2008)
Belgium ranks near the bottom for environmental performance.
(23rd January 2008)
Belgium ranks near the bottom of the 28 European n...
(23rd January 2008)
Atheism news of the day: Myspace deletes atheist g...
(1st February 2008)
Great piece by Kevin Kelly on how money isn’t in t...
(3rd February 2008)
The life cycle of a blog post....
(3rd February 2008)
Strangely addictive Japanese cartoon.
(6th February 2008)
Usavich is a strangely addictive Japanese cartoon ...
(6th February 2008)
Make espresso anywhere with the handpresso. Maybe ...
(8th February 2008)
Word of the day: sodcasting. The act of playing mu...
(9th February 2008)
Lucien De Roeck was responsible for a lot of well-...
(12th February 2008)
Use the fuse to switch off energy-wasting shop sig...
(12th February 2008)
Use the fuse.
(12th February 2008)
The meat trade is already a cruel one but I didn’t...
(13th February 2008)
“a litre bottle of Evian or Volvic generates up to...
(17th February 2008)
From whence it came. Taking the mystery out of mys...
(17th February 2008)
From whence it came.
(17th February 2008)
Five great auditory illusions...
(22nd February 2008)
Best and most succinct description of the universe...
(23rd February 2008)
I always try to take stairs instead of elevators a...
(24th February 2008)
Pretty strange seeing James Howard Kunstler’s pred...
(24th February 2008)
The story of the blues: Tracking the journey of th...
(28th February 2008)
“if it's clear that the risk is high, people will ...
(8th March 2008)
Do the test....
(12th March 2008)
A light vessel is a ship which acts as a lighthous...
(17th March 2008)
Many people decorate the restroom in their home, s...
(19th March 2008)
A move I'd love to see implemented locally.
(20th March 2008)
There’s a move I’d love to see implemented locally...
(20th March 2008)
From the department of the obvious: 95% of youngst...
(7th April 2008)
BBC risks overloading the internet.
(10th April 2008)
BBC risks overloading the internet. Not a headline...
(10th April 2008)
I’m always trying to explain to people who think h...
(13th April 2008)
“It doesn't take a student of psychology to tell u...
(13th April 2008)
Very interesting article on the myths of organic farming.
(1st May 2008)
Very interesting article on the myths of organic f...
(1st May 2008)
Death of the SUV.
(7th May 2008)
Death of the SUV. No surprise there....
(7th May 2008)
There’s a fly on my keyboard....
(13th May 2008)
Get high in church....
(21st May 2008)
Nothing new but an accurate snapshot of the oil si...
(23rd May 2008)
The latest rundown on peak oil.
(12th June 2008)
The latest rundown on peak oil from the Independen...
(12th June 2008)
“What we are seeing in this desperate horse-tradin...
(16th June 2008)
The web time forgot. How Paul Otlet, a Belgian, en...
(17th June 2008)
The web time forgot.
(17th June 2008)
Interesting fuel alternative in development: bugs ...
(18th June 2008)
How buying things ceased to be a chore and became a fun day out.
(19th June 2008)
How buying things ceased to be a chore and became ...
(19th June 2008)
Airports themselves have an environmental impact.
(25th June 2008)
Not something you usually think about. Airports th...
(25th June 2008)
The brain appears to make up its mind 10 seconds b...
(29th June 2008)
Email confusion....
(30th June 2008)
Interesting approach to reducing the wasted energy...
(30th June 2008)
Reducing wasted energy from power supplies.
(30th June 2008)
This is surreal: a High Court judge has ruled that...
(7th July 2008)
Impressive real-time movement tracking of all ship...
(9th July 2008)
More evidence that we’ll only end up closing the b...
(9th July 2008)
Real-time movement tracking of all ships.
(9th July 2008)
I-Cycle, a series of short films about bike cultur...
(10th July 2008)
Habit-forming advertising technique for public health.
(13th July 2008)
How habit-forming advertising techniques are used ...
(13th July 2008)
Neil Patrick Harris is Dr Horrible and his sing-al...
(16th July 2008)
I thought I read this article in 1996....
(20th July 2008)
Most of us don’t see ourselves in mirrors as we tr...
(24th July 2008)
If you want to do your bit for the environment, th...
(25th July 2008)
Reduce your meat intake for the environment.
(25th July 2008)
“You hold them down, I'll remove their wallets”...
(25th July 2008)
Spain implements heavy measures to reduce energy c...
(1st August 2008)
Spain implements heavy measures to reduce energy consumption.
(1st August 2008)
Impressive car park signage in Australia.
(3rd August 2008)
Impressive car park signage in Australia....
(3rd August 2008)
The market is adapting: increasing oil prices are ...
(3rd August 2008)
A new BBC series overlays multiple types of data o...
(4th August 2008)
Patterns over satellite imagery.
(4th August 2008)
Doctor builds a custom dialysis machine.
(6th August 2008)
This is hacking at its best: doctor builds a custo...
(6th August 2008)
Want to know what kind of dirty investments your B...
(6th August 2008)
Another example of RFID passports being easy to co...
(9th August 2008)
“there is nothing unique about the frequency with ...
(12th August 2008)
There’s a whole subculture of people in the states...
(12th August 2008)
Travel on railcar inspection vehicles.
(12th August 2008)
Steve Jobs is not the Pope
(31st August 2008)
It’s not just the carbon, it’s the nitrogen too....
(4th September 2008)
It's not just the carbon, it's the nitrogen too.
(4th September 2008)
The social function of NIMBYism.
(5th September 2008)
“Some scientists think climate change needs a more...
(5th September 2008)
The social function of NIMBYism....
(5th September 2008)
The rise of ambient awareness....
(8th September 2008)
Business pragmatism...
(25th September 2008)
Project Cybersyn
(25th September 2008)
Project Cybersyn, the forgotten story of Chile’s “...
(25th September 2008)
Paid for by the Someone better start pointing out ...
(1st October 2008)
Someone better start pointing out the obvious committee for a better planet.
(1st October 2008)
One of the clearer explanations I’ve read of how t...
(3rd October 2008)
Blinkenlights Stereoscope
(5th October 2008)
The blinkenlights crew have setup a new project in...
(5th October 2008)
British artist puts Royal Mail to the test.
(9th October 2008)
British artist puts Royal Mail to the test. Now th...
(9th October 2008)
Stanislav Petrov, the man who could have started a nuclear war.
(25th October 2008)
Stanislav Petrov, the man who could have started a...
(25th October 2008)
“The rapidly increasing sum of all computational d...
(25th October 2008)
Jason Scott on the blu-ray DRM mafia....
(26th October 2008)
Gus Van Sant to make Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.
(28th October 2008)
I really enjoyed Wolfe’s The Electric Kool-Aid Aci...
(28th October 2008)
Supermarket fights EU to get ugly fruit and vegeta...
(2nd November 2008)
The End. How the era that defined Wall Street is f...
(14th November 2008)
“How clean does the pizza box have to be for it to...
(16th November 2008)
Garamond Powerline. Just what it says....
(21st November 2008)
“the things that you use every day should be the b...
(26th November 2008)
The car horn is beeping useless.
(27th November 2008)
The car horn is beeping useless. Indeed, it’s gene...
(27th November 2008)
Patternicity: finding meaningful patterns in meani...
(28th November 2008)
The 10 big energy myths....
(2nd December 2008)
“Countries with the highest levels of active trans...
(16th December 2008)
Madoff and the Global Economy...
(18th December 2008)
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