Posts From 07/2006
- The absurdity of bottled water put to the test. Th... (1st July 2006)
- Neat piece of culture jamming on a Stella billboar... (2nd July 2006)
- The most efficient mode of transport is the bicycl... (2nd July 2006)
- A dashboard widget for Lost fans. You too can be ... (3rd July 2006)
- Interesting comparison of macs’ power consumption ... (3rd July 2006)
- So that’s how all these internets work.... (3rd July 2006)
- “We do not have the luxury of time to allow indivi... (3rd July 2006)
- Go to bed early tonight.... (4th July 2006)
- Pictures of the recently finished storm drain unde... (5th July 2006)
- The absolutely amazing camouflage capabilities of ... (5th July 2006)
- A list of smoke-free restaurants and cafes in Belg... (6th July 2006)
- Diversion – when road signs decide it’s time for a... (7th July 2006)
- Have we already reached peak oil? Some experts bel... (9th July 2006)
- “We have more than enough oil, not to mention coal... (10th July 2006)
- A former National Iranian Oil Company executive sa... (11th July 2006)
- French artist Prune, leaves his dog-child hybrid c... (11th July 2006)
- Mice can feel each other’s pain. That puts animal ... (11th July 2006)
- The world has gone insane on a nuclear level.... (11th July 2006)
- Penn and Teller say bottled water is bullshit. Alt... (13th July 2006)
- The happy planet index rates countries based on li... (13th July 2006)
- Vintage French TV report on raves from 1994, with ... (13th July 2006)
- “you don't make a new mess until you have cleared ... (13th July 2006)
- An interesting view on some of the paradoxes of re... (14th July 2006)
- Michel Gondry’s latest looks wonderfully trippy.... (15th July 2006)
- Record stores are now home to grey-haired ponytail... (15th July 2006)
- Space Invaders with real live people... (15th July 2006)
- An Open Letter to Greg Palast on Peak Oil... (16th July 2006)
- Seventies kung-fu flick is the inspiration for Wu-... (16th July 2006)
- Vintage Belgian theme park videos: Walibi in 1993 ... (16th July 2006)
- Hold on to that cathode ray tube TV a bit longer i... (18th July 2006)
- Chad Vader – Day Shift Manager... (19th July 2006)
- Yes, it’s unbelievably hot and we’re in the middle... (19th July 2006)
- What does your car say about you?... (20th July 2006)
- Play the global warming game and see how your econ... (21st July 2006)
- If you haven’t seen the excellent fast-food docume... (22nd July 2006)
- Those World-Killing Chinese... (23rd July 2006)
- Inner-City Youth, a photo essay with audio comment... (25th July 2006)
- Joe Nishizawa: Japan’s underground photography... (25th July 2006)
- People don’t care much about sweatshops but they “... (25th July 2006)
- Plans announced for Belgium’s largest offshore win... (25th July 2006)
- The Pearlroth house of Westhampton Beach. Beautifu... (25th July 2006)
- “Every single calorie we eat is backed by at least... (26th July 2006)
- StreetWars, a crazy water gun assassination game p... (26th July 2006)
- The vast Amazon rainforest is on the brink of bein... (26th July 2006)
- Israeli Bombing Results in Massive Lebanon Oil Spi... (27th July 2006)
- Dear Kim Jong il...... (28th July 2006)
- Share your favourite bicycle routes at bikely.... (28th July 2006)
- Is the war on Lebanon another oil war?... (29th July 2006)
- “By some estimates, 5 billion of the world's 6½ bi... (30th July 2006)
- Following oil from the pump back to its origins an... (30th July 2006)
- You don’t want GM foods? Too bad, the EU and Monsa... (30th July 2006)
- A complete list of things caused by global warming... (31st July 2006)
- I can’t get enough of these stupid star wars video... (31st July 2006)
- Interesting short film by Greenpeace on decentrali... (31st July 2006)