Posts From 10/2001
(1st October 2001)
Sidney Morning Herald: Terrorists find unlikely allies in neo-Nazis
(1st October 2001)
The independent: Police to get powers to hold terror suspects 'indefinitely'
(1st October 2001)
The Times: USD 100m yacht in ultimate garage sale
(1st October 2001)
Winston Toilettage Canin: la webcam
(1st October 2001)
Prof. Gunther von Hagens' Koerperwelten
(2nd October 2001)
The news international, Pakistan: Osama digs himself in Pamir
(2nd October 2001)
Yahoo News: Batons to speed up London commuters
(2nd October 2001)
Furbeowolf cluster computing
(3rd October 2001)
INQ7: Text joke gets Filipino
(3rd October 2001)
The Matwix
(4th October 2001)
Belgium MP3
(5th October 2001)
Dust Mite Spins
(5th October 2001)
Rocky Mountain News: 'Penis' found floating in bottle was mold, police say
(5th October 2001)
The 2001 Ig nobel prizes
(5th October 2001)
The Scotsman: Ryanair urges EC to block Belgian aid package
(5th October 2001)
Ananova: Judge says dead body exhibition can go on
(6th October 2001)
ITN: Afghan Buddhas resurrected in China
(6th October 2001)
Indymedia: action alert - stop de oorlog
(7th October 2001)
The Observer: Hitler was gay - and killed to hide it, book says
(7th October 2001)
Where is Switzerland?
(7th October 2001)
Help me with accommodation in London
(8th October 2001)
Indymedia: Action at US embassy in Brussels 08.10.01 (picture report)
(8th October 2001)
NY Times: A Cautionary Tale for a New Age of Surveillance
(8th October 2001)
The independent: Brussels tells Britain: grow more GM food
(8th October 2001)
evWorld: The Day The World Came To Its Senses?
(9th October 2001)
IHT: Taboos Are Put to Test in West's View of Islam
(9th October 2001)
(9th October 2001)
Peter Saville
(9th October 2001)
Fashion UK: Perfect cheeks
(11th October 2001)
Nando Times: Director David Lynch keeps his eyes on the doughnut
(11th October 2001)
Telecom Paper: Pole-position Netherlands, Belgium in broadband internet
(11th October 2001)
Wired: Osama Has a New Friend
(11th October 2001)
Foreign Affairs: The Rise of the Brand State, The Postmodern Politics of Image and Reputation
(12th October 2001)
Oregon LIve: Rotten fish at Vancouver airport spark hazardous materials scare
(12th October 2001)
La Libre: Des enveloppes suspectes en Belgique
(13th October 2001)
Tehelka: The Algebra of Infinite Justice
(13th October 2001)
Washington Post: Waiting for War, Reporters Occupy Rebel Territory
(13th October 2001)
BBC News: Richard Dawkins: The foibles of faith
(14th October 2001)
Chicago Tribune: Belgian authorities reluctant to help with probe of bomb plot
(15th October 2001)
Get your war on
(15th October 2001)
Reuters: Cellphones Spook Ghosts, Expert Says
(15th October 2001)
The Times: American anti-gun activist shot dead at home
(15th October 2001)
Washington Post: Questions Swirl Around Men Held in Terror Probe
(15th October 2001)
AlterNet: More Collateral Damage in the Terrorism War
(16th October 2001)
Ananova: Cowboy robbers raid Wild West village
(16th October 2001)
C4 News: Blair delivers evidence
(16th October 2001)
(16th October 2001)
New Yorker: King's ransom
(16th October 2001)
The Guardian: Gagging the sceptics
(16th October 2001)
eBay item: A giant PDA made of butter
(17th October 2001)
This is London: Stars shun Jackson charity gig
(17th October 2001)
Cnet: Microsoft to hackers: Don't publish code
(18th October 2001)
Drukqs (quicktime)
(18th October 2001)
Foton Records
(18th October 2001)
The Belief-O-Matic
(18th October 2001)
Apple - Mac OS X
(19th October 2001)
Coded images show plans for massive germ attack on U.S.
(19th October 2001)
Ananova: Dutch police arrest Bert and Ernie
(20th October 2001)
Interactive week: Beyond Carnivore: FBI Eyes Packet Taps
(22nd October 2001)
Sierra Times: Words of Wisdom About Gas, Germs, and Nukes
(22nd October 2001)
The Guardian: Blair's posturing upstages angry Belgians
(22nd October 2001)
The Observer: Gay poster turns the Irish pink with rage
(22nd October 2001)
United States Response to CBW Terrorism and Domestic Preparedness
(22nd October 2001)
Apple - iPod
(23rd October 2001)
Wild pigs are sick of Britney
(23rd October 2001)
Bruxelles au XXIe Siecle - Les Rives de la Couronne
(24th October 2001)
Holding back the buldozers
(24th October 2001)
Not in my name - Taking Action for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine
(24th October 2001)
(24th October 2001)
Victor Horta: Nouveau Monster
(24th October 2001)
Leisure Town
(25th October 2001)
New sense new cm (Or PS2 commercials to you and me)
(25th October 2001)
BME: adding and subtracting
(26th October 2001)
La societe protectrice des humains
(26th October 2001)
SNR: Homeland Insecurity
(26th October 2001)
Societe nationale de protection des dindons
(26th October 2001)
Washington Post: Entrepreneurs Respond to Fearful Times
(26th October 2001)
Boston Globe: Ask clinics about fear
(27th October 2001)
eight legged freaks
(27th October 2001)
FBI - Anthrax letters
(27th October 2001)
- - Search the Web for Sounds
(27th October 2001)
LA Times: Once-Insular Americans Studying Up on the World
(27th October 2001)
NYT: how to lose a war
(27th October 2001)
The Onion: Privileged Children Of Millionaires Square Off On World Stage
(27th October 2001)
404 error
(28th October 2001)
Temple of Fear project for Bobbejaanland
(28th October 2001)
Ananova: Pumpkin Liberation Army steal pumpkins to make soup
(29th October 2001)
Jam: The Cure, Robert Smith plan Net-only releases
(29th October 2001)
Nintendo GameCube TV Ad
(29th October 2001)
The MTV Chronicles
(29th October 2001)
XML-RPC home page
(29th October 2001)
Yahoo news: photo of convicted men
(29th October 2001)
BBC News: Net guru's fragmented future
(30th October 2001)
Les inrocks: Clip de la semaine : le rock lo-fi de Vincent Gallo
(30th October 2001)
The Guardian: Backyard terrorism
(30th October 2001)
2D Space
(31st October 2001)
BBC News: Leonardo bridge opens 500 years late
(31st October 2001)
E! Online: 'Fantasy Island' gets real
(31st October 2001)
puking pumpkin
(31st October 2001)
Spamcop is your friend
(31st October 2001)
The Guardian: From boo to bust - and back
(31st October 2001)
The Times: Apocalypse Now?
(31st October 2001)
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